Thursday, May 27, 2010

The beginning

The seeds to make this short film was sown in Sept 2005. However, i was never convinced of how the film would end. The film is based on the last story written by O. Henry called Dream. And Henry wanted the story have a double climax in the end. Working the double climax and the character motivation took a toll on me. The story hung in limbo for 3 years. Till one night, it all came back together and I got up from my slumber and completed the script.

I called up my partner and told him the story. He was blank faced and wanted to know when to start the shoot. So we started on the budget and casting. We put up a call for casting the film. Finalised a guy for the role of the guy from IIT. He had a stubble, long hair, looked lost. Fitted the character to the T. The challenge was to find the right girl. Most of the girls whp came for the auditions were girls who wanted to be actresses and struggling hard. One of them mentioned that she would do 'anything' for the role... one girls pallu kept falling... some of them were nice but would have been miscast, and the film went into the back burner when a financial crisis hit us. And somehow the cracker of an idea went into the back of the priority list.

Now after so many years, this small little project is revived, with the help of family and friends who have pitched in monetarily to fund and complete the project.

So after 5 years, this project will take wings...